The Andhra Pradesh Government has introduced an Online Admission Module for Degree Colleges starting from the academic year 2020-21. As per G.O Ms. No. 34 Higher Education Dt: 15-10-2020, an online admission process has been implemented for undergraduate programs offered by the Degree Colleges in the state.
This initiative aims to promote merit, achieve excellence, prevent malpractices, implement reservations, and conduct fair, non-discriminatory, and merit-based admissions transparently for the benefit of the student community. As per G.O.Ms.No. 46 HE (CE) Dt: 22.12.2020, nonprofessional Degree Programmes shall be 4-year Honours Programmes from the academic year 2020–21, with an exit option after 3 years with a Degree.
S No | Caste | Percentage |
1 | SC | 15% |
2 | ST | 6% |
3 | BC (Total for all categories) | 29% |
BC-A | 7% | |
BC-B | 10% | |
BC-C | 1% | |
BC-D | 7% | |
BC-E | 4% | |
4 | Physically Handicapped (for all disabilities) | 3% |
VH (Visually Handicapped) | 1% | |
Hearing Impaired | 1% | |
5 | Special Reservations (CAP, NCC, Sports) | 4.5% CAP: 2% NCC: 2% Sports: 0.5% |
6 | Women Candidates (in all categories) | 33.33% |
7 | EWS (Economically Weaker Sections) | 10% (Supernumerary) |
The leftover seats will be notified separately. Under the spot valuation, all unfilled seats are allotted to the general category in the management quota. For these allotted seats, students may not be eligible for scholarships or fee reimbursement.